

Functional Training: Transform your Body and Lifestyle

In an ever-changing world where fitness and wellness trends emerge dizzily, one training strategy has earned a privileged place among health experts and enthusiasts: Functional Training. More than just a fad, this holistic approach has proven to be a powerful tool for improving physical performance, preventing injury, and promoting overall wellness. In this article, we’ll...
entrenamiento funcional

Benefits of the Ketogenic Diet to transform your body and energy

The ketogenic diet has gained popularity in the quest for a healthy lifestyle as a practical dietary approach to weight loss and improved metabolic health. This dietary regimen is based on drastically reducing carbohydrate intake and increasing the proportion of healthy fats, which brings the body into a metabolic state known as ketosis. Below, we...
beneficios de la dieta cetogénica

Health benefits of L-carnitine

L-carnitine is a naturally occurring compound that plays a crucial role in fat metabolism and energy production in the body. Over the years, many health benefits associated with L-carnitine supplementation have been researched and demonstrated. In this article, we will explore these benefits in detail. What is L-Carnitine? L-carnitine is a nutrient and amino acid...
Beneficios de la L-carnitina

Recommendations to start running in 2024

Running is a physical activity that has gained popularity in recent years, and many individuals are considering taking up the sport in 2024. Running is not only a great way to stay in shape, but it also offers mental and emotional health benefits. However, it can be overwhelming for those just starting out to know...
iniciar running

Healthy menu options for Christmas

In Spain, as in much of the world, Christmas is full of culinary traditions and authentic flavors. Although many Spanish Christmas dishes can be high in calories, there are also healthy options to enjoy without compromising your well-being. In this article, we present some typical Spanish Christmas dishes with a more beneficial approach:  1. baked...
navidad saludable

Learn to prepare your own Chai Latte with our SLIM TEA CHAI

Surely you have heard about the popular chai latte that coffee shops cannot miss. Despite its current boom, the chai latte is one of India’s oldest infusions in the world. It owes its name to the well-known café latte, even though it does not contain coffee among its ingredients. Before we learn more about chai...
chai latte tea

Spirulina benefits for athletes.

The rise of superfoods has allowed the study and use of natural foods that were little known recently but are of great health benefit. One of those is Spirulina, which today is a trend among superfoods and gained greater recognition for being used in the diet of astronauts at NASA. Although today it has acquired...
beneficios de la spirulina

Best exercises to burn fat

There are only two months left to finish the year, and what better way to do it than with a couple of kilos less, right? To achieve this, you must activate yourself with a healthy routine that combines exercise, food, and natural supplements. Today we will show you the best exercises to burn fat and...

Get ready for your first race as a runner

Running is a sports practice that consists of running a certain distance at a set time. The main objectives of runners are to run to practice a sport, be fit and achieve goals. Throughout the year, runners compete in various races or marathons. For this, they must prepare months before achieving a successful career. If...

Cardamom a great ally for health

Surely you have heard of cardamom. It is a spice widely used in gastronomy and medicinal areas, originally from southern India and Sri Lanka. The use of cardamom dates back to the Egyptians, who chewed the seeds to clean their teeth. In contrast, the Greeks and Romans gave it cosmetic use as perfume. It was...
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